Pradeep Fernando
Ph.D. student, School of Computer Science
Georgia Institute of Technology
Office: KACB 3337
Email: pradeepfn AT gatech DOT edu
Ph.D. student, School of Computer Science
Georgia Institute of Technology
Office: KACB 3337
Email: pradeepfn AT gatech DOT edu
PhD student working under the guidance of Prof. Ada Gavrilovska. My interested
research areas include Operating systems -- in particular the memory subsystem. In my recent projects I have looked in to developing
efficient system software abstractions for main memory and persistent memory(NVM) devices, with keen interest on topics such as fault-tolerance and
I finished my PhD studies and joined Meta's AI-infra org focusing AI trainer fault tolerance topics.
Research Interests
Operating Systems, Distributed Systems
- Adding Persistence to Main Memory Programming
Pradeep Fernando
Dissertation - Blizzard: Adding True Persistence to Main Memory Data Structures
Pradeep Fernando, Daniel Zahka, Ada Gavrilovska, Amitabha Roy, Subramanya R. Dulloor
Arxiv print. - Persistence and Synchronization: Friends or Foes?
Pradeep Fernando, Irina Calciu, Jayneel Gandhi, Aasheesh Kolli, Ada Gavrilovska
Arxiv print. [SOSP 2017 poster]
- NVStream: accelerating HPC workflows with NVRAM-based transport for streaming objects
P. Fernando, A. Gavrilovska, S. Kannan, G. Eisenhauer
In Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing. [slides]
- Phoenix: Memory Speed HPC I/O with NVM
P. Fernando, S. Kannan, A. Gavrilovska, K. Schwan.
In Proceedings of the IEEE conference on High Performance Computing, Data,and Anlytics (HiPC). Hyderabad, India. December 2016. [slides]
Short paper appeared in Non-Volatile Memories Workshop 2017. [paper]
- Improved Server Architecture for Highly Efficient Message Mediation
Hiranya Jayathilaka, Pradeep Fernando, Paul Fremantle, et. al.
ACM paper at iiWAS Vienna, Austria 2013.
- Unity: unified memory and file space
T. Jones et. al
ROSS 17'
- Sparkle: optimizing spark for large memory machines and analytics
M. Kim, J. Li, H. Volos, M. Marwah, A. Ulanov, K. Keeton,
J. Tucek, L. Cherkasova, Le Xu, P. Fernando. SOCC '17, Santa Clara, CA.
- Fast Restarts/ Recovery with NVM memory for HPC systems
P. Fernando,S. Kannan, A. Gavrilovska, K. Schwan.
Poster at NVM Workshop 2015. San Diego, CA.
- BISSA: Empowering web gadget communication with tuple spaces
U. Wickramasinghe, C. Wickramarachchi, P. Fernando, D. Sumanasena, et al.
IEEE paper at GCE, New Orleans,LA 2010 and ACM extended abstract at MGC, Bangalore, India 2010.
- [US2018/0095834] Fault Tolerance in Shared Memory
P. Fernando, M. Kim, H. Volos, J. Li
- [US2019/0129716] Speeding up Transactions in NVM Using HTM
I. Calciu, J. Gandhi, P. Fernando, A. Kolli
Graduate Internships
- [Summer' 17] VMware Research Group, Palo Alto - Mentors: Irina Calciu, Jayneel Gandhi
- [Summer' 16] Hewlett Packard Enterprise Labs - Mentors: Mijung Kim, Haris Volos, Jun Li
- [Summer' 15] NEC Labs, Princeton - Mentor: Nipun Arora
- Travel Grants: HiPC' 16, OSDI' 16, NVMW '15, NVMW '16, HPDC '18